28 Jan Theda Schwarz – January 2020
Theda, Ted, Theeds, Theda Marie, Theda-the-Speeder
It’s coming up 5 months since you arrived into our family but it feels like we have known you for so much longer. You have slotted into our life and routines so easily there was barely even a blip on the radar. Quinn and Oli loved you from the start, maybe bringing light-up mermaid barbies with you helped with that! Very quickly you picked up the girls routine and learnt their personalities and needs. You understand them well and can recognise what they need from you. Particularly for Oli who is still learning to communicate. The relationship you two have developed is so sweet.
And as for Quinn, well she loves you like a big sister and even refers to you as just that. Every morning when Oli wakes up she asks where each member of our family is and what they are doing, including our dog. And you too are included which I think shows how important you are to Oli and how much you are a member of our family. Every day is an adventure with you, the girls are constantly being taken on outings to the library, park, swimming, play dates and home activities. You provide consistency in your dealings with the girls and they are given strong boundaries about accepted behaviour which has been very important to us. Theda you have been extremely supportive to our family and our needs, your hours change week to week and you are always easily adaptable and accepting of this.
You happily welcome Quinn’s friends into the home and care for them on play dates when it is the school holidays. And recently you stepped up when our extended family needed you by taking care of Quinn and Oli’s cousins as well as them while we attended a family funeral, that was no easy task and we were extremely grateful to have your support through that sad time, particularly on that day.
We have just been through Christmas and we know this was a difficult time for you to be away from your home and your family and friends. Not only was it Christmas but it was your own and Mica’s birthdays as well, so we know it was a hard time for you. Despite that, you managed to truly bring Christmas alive for us and taught us all about your German traditions. You made sure that we all experienced Sankt Nikolaus Tag, and spent a lot of time putting together a special advent calendar for the girls. They were so excited each day of December to open their new day and see what special treats you had thought of for them. You have set the bar high for next Christmas and I’m not sure we will be able to fill your shoes!
Theda, you really have gone above and beyond and we are so grateful to have you as part of our family. We are so excited and thankful that you have decided to extend your stay with us! Here’s to the next 5 months and what adventures that will bring.
From the Pick family